Meet Our Pastors & Deacons
The Role & Responsibility of Pastors & Deacons
Pastors oversee the ministry and resources of the church. Through the guidance of God’s Spirit and God’s Word, they happily and honorably shepherd the flock of God by devoting themselves to prayer, study, counseling, teaching, and exhorting God’s Word, refuting those who contradict sound doctrine, caring for the souls of the church members, and leading the church in mission.
Deacons care for the physical and temporal needs of the church, guard the unity of the church, and free up the pastors for the ministry of prayer and the Word.
Pastors & Deacons
Rocky Komatsu
Pastor Rocky was born in Honolulu, raised on Lana’i, and moved to Maui in the fifth grade. He’s married to Emily and they have three children, Ka’iulani, Haddon, and Nehemiah. Rocky graduated from Boyce Bible College in 2013 and served as a pastor at Kailua Baptist Church on Oahu from 2015-17.
Rocky has served as the Lead Pastor at WCC since its founding in 2019 and has a burden to see all people come to know Christ as King.
Josh Lockhart
Pastor Josh was born and raised on Maui. He's married to Rachel and they have two beautiful little girls, Judah and Elizabeth. Josh and Rachel have been members of WCC since 2022. Josh previously served as an associate pastor at his former church for several years.
In September 2024, Josh was affirmed to serve as a pastor at WCC and has been serving faithfully since.
Kenny Komatsu
Pastor Kenny was born and raised in Maui County (Lanai & Maui). He is married to Sarah. Kenny and Sarah have been members of WCC since 2020. Kenny currently serves our community as a firefighter with the Maui Fire Department.
In September 2024, Kenny was affirmed to serve as a pastor at WCC and has been serving faithfully since.
Chris Robinson
Chris Robinson serves as a deacon. His primary responsibility is caring for the physical needs of those within our church and our community.
Chris is born and raised on Maui. He’s married to Yvette, and together they have two daughters, Hi’ilei and Kamalei.
Dubbed “the mayor” of Maui because everywhere Chris goes, he’s always running into someone he knows. Chris also will make the meanest broke da mout pineapple chicken you’ll ever try.
Church Revitalizers
Celebrating Kingdom-minded Sending
The purpose of WCC is to build a community that proclaims Christ as King on Maui, in Hawaii, and among the nations.
This purpose is bigger than just one local church. We don’t want there to be a square inch of this planet where the name of Christ is not proclaimed.
One important way we fulfill that purpose is by sending out qualified men. Though this is never easy, it’s been a sweet joy and honor to serve the cause of Christ through Kingdom-minded sending.
Pastor Chris Komatsu
Lana’i Baptist Church
Pastor Chris was one of the founding members of Waiehu Community in 2019. Over the years, Chris faithfully served in multiple different ways, including as one of our pastoral apprentices.
In April 2022, we had the joy and privilege of sending Pastor Chris out to become the Lead Pastor at our partner church, Lana’i Baptist.
We are grateful for their continued partnership with us contending for the gospel in these islands. You can learn more about Pastor Chris, his ohana, and Lanai Baptist church at https://www.lanaibaptist.org/
Pastor Jay Haynes
Kahului Baptist Church
Pastor Jay was one of the founding pastors of Waiehu Community in 2019. For nearly four years he labored tirelessly and selflessly alongside Pastor Rocky to help plant and establish WCC.
In November 2022, we had the joy and privilege of sending Pastor Jay out to become the Lead Pastor at our partner church, Kahului Baptist.
We are grateful for their continued partnership with us contending for the gospel on Maui. You can learn more about Pastor Jay, his ohana, and Kahului Baptist church at: https://www.kahuluibaptist.com/