Our Story
In 2010, a number of people had come from Hawaii to Louisville for theological training. Shortly after arriving, they began meeting to pray for Hawaii and its churches. For 8 years, this group continued meeting monthly for “Hawaii Prayer Night.”
It was through the seeds planted in prayer at “Hawaii Prayer Night” that the burden and vision for Waiehu Community Church grew.
Our Partners
We have had a number of partners over the years. One of our primary partners is Kahului Baptist Church (www.kahuluibaptist.com) on Maui. KBC generously and self-sacrificially supported our efforts by sending multiple families to make up the WCC core-team.
WCC is a part of the Immanuel Network (www.immanuelnetwork.org), a network of pastors and churches committed to helping pastors plant and cultivate healthy churches for a global harvest. Kailua Baptist Church (www.kailuabaptist.org) in Kailua, HI and Immanuel Baptist Church (www.immanuelky.org) in Louisville, KY are both a part of the Immanuel Network and also served as our sending churches.
We’ve continued to cultivate faithful partnerships across Hawaii, the continental US, and internationally.
On January 27, 2019, 20 core team members covenanted together as the founding members of Waiehu Community Church. Our first service was held on February 3, 2019.
Want to partner with us?
Would you pray for us, consider giving, and consider joining us in our efforts in Waiehu?