The Word of God faithfully preached to the Church is one of the most essential aspects of Christian discipleship. Through preaching every saint is equipped and trained for ministry as disciple-making disciples.
This is one reason preaching is the central element of our Lord’s Day worship.
One of the best ways to know what we believe is by listening to what is regularly preached.
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Three Responses of Faith
This Sunday, we take a break from our Genesis series as Mike Komatsu preaches from Matthew 2.1-12. We need to remember that only true faith leads us to Jesus. In this text we really find three types of faith: 1) The unstoppable faith of the wise men, 2) The indifferent faith of God’s people, and 3) the rejection of faith by King Herod. This text makes it clear that true faith always results in humble service and God-glorifying service.
The Value of Church Discipline
In Matthew 18.15-20, Mike Komatsu walks us through Jesus’ instructions on church discipline. Jesus teaches the church a four step process for restoring wayward members through loving discipline.
Biblical Reconciliation Pt. 5: Forgiveness
We continue our series on biblical reconciliation by considering the 4th step in the reconciliation process: forgiveness. In Matthew 18.21-35, we consider the extent with forgiveness and the scandal of unforgiveness. We also consider 5 common misconceptions about forgiveness.
Confidence in Jesus
In Matthew 12.14-21, Pastor Ikaika (Hamama Community Church) helps us to see three reasons why we should have confidence in Jesus: 1) Jesus is not distracted but he’s focused on the main thing, 2) Jesus is continuing to work, and 3) Jesus has come to fulfill the salvation plan of God.