The Word of God faithfully preached to the Church is one of the most essential aspects of Christian discipleship. Through preaching every saint is equipped and trained for ministry as disciple-making disciples.
This is one reason preaching is the central element of our Lord’s Day worship.
One of the best ways to know what we believe is by listening to what is regularly preached.
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An Exemplary Life
We conclude our Proverbs series by considering the exemplary life of the Proverbs 31 woman. In her life, we find the culmination of wisdom. We see this expressed in three specific ways: 1) she is diligent, 2) she is dignified, and 3) she is praised. And we are challenged to respond by: 1) trusting in the wisdom of Christ and 2) praising the wisdom of his church.
Fear the LORD
Fearing the LORD is the beginning and end of all wisdom. In this sermon, we consider three attributes of God from Proverbs that will help deepen our fear of God: 1) the LORD is Sovereign, 2) The LORD is Righteous, and 3) the LORD is Gracious. We also are challenged to make three resolutions in light of our desire to grow in fearing and knowing God: 1) resolve to worship with our church weekly 2) resolve to be in the bible and prayer daily, 3) resolve to fill our mind with thoughts of God moment by moment.
Building Faithful Friendships
Faithful-friends are an essential part of thriving in God's world. God has called every person to build and cultivate faithful-friendships. In this sermon we consider three reasons why we should do this: 1) Faithful-friends will come alongside you, 2) Faithful-friends will challenge you, and 3) Faithful-friends will comfort you. We can help build these kinds of friendships by being: 1) intentional, 2) hospitable, 3) other-centered, 4) diverse, 5) realistic, 6) patient, and 7) hopeful.
The Gift of Wise Counsel
We continue our series in Proverbs by considering the theme of counsel or advice. We will never flourish in God's world under God's rule if we neglect wise counsel in our life. In this sermon we consider four qualities for wise counsel: 1) wise counsel vanishes in isolation, 2) wise counsel flourishes in community, 3) wise counsel engages the heart, and 4) wise counsel flows from God's word.
Walking Wisely Through Conflict
Conflict is unavoidable and God has called the church to be a people who walk wisely through conflict. If we're going to do that there are four postures to avoid: 1) A greedy-heart, 2) a slanderous-heart, 3) a scoffing-heart, and 4) a contentious-heart. We also find two practices to apply: 1) we need to stay out of unnecessary conflict and 2) we need to proceed slowly of necessary conflict.
The Anger of Fools
Proverbs teaches us that the hearts of fools are ruled by anger. We can find at least four traits of the fool's anger: 1) it's easily-kindled, 2) it's unrestrained, 3) it's ensnaring, 4) it's punished. However, Christians need to be people who deal wisely with anger with three simple practices: 1) repenting of anger, 2) being slow to anger, and 3) waiting on the Lord's anger.
The Family Pt. 2
God's purpose for families is to create multi-generational wisdom that flourishes in God's world, under God's rule. There are two essential requirements for wise families: 1) parents must discipline their children, and 2) children must honor their parents.
The Family Pt. 1
There are many perspectives on the family (marriage and parenting) in our culture. As we continue our series through Proverbs, we consider God's wisdom for the family. In Proverbs we find that God's purpose is that families create multi-generational wisdom that flourishes in God's world, under God's rule. If we're going to do that, the church must pursue and foster wise marriages.
The Wisdom of Generosity
In this sermon, we consider the theme of generosity and stinginess. In Proverbs there are two ways we see the wisdom of generosity: 1) The generous are sincere and selfless, 2) The generous are blessed and well-cared for. And if we're going to flourish in God's world, under God's rule we must practice generosity.
Anchored in Joy
This world is full of suffering and sorrow and there are all kinds of false hopes and lesser joys that will continually let us down.
But the hope of the Christian is unshakable unending joy in God. And if Christians are going to live wisely in God’s world under God’s rule, our hearts must be anchored in that joy.
In this sermon Pastor Rocky shows us two truths from Proverbs 17.22 that will help us to do this: 1) The Danger of a Crushed Spirit and 2) The Deliverance of a Joyful Heart.
Foolish Feasting
Pastor Rocky continues our series through the themes of Proverbs preaching on drunkenness and gluttony.
Humiliating the Proud and Exalting the Humble
Pastor Rocky continues our series in Proverbs.
The Blessing of Wise Government
Pastor Rocky continues our series through Proverbs considering the theme of government leadership.
Conquering Laziness by Celebrating Diligence
Pastor Rocky continues our Proverbs series by preaching on the theme of Laziness and Diligence
The Power of the Tongue Pt. 2
Pastor Rocky continues our Proverbs series preaching on the tongue from Proverbs 14.3.
The Power of the Tongue Pt. 1
Pastor Rocky continues our Proverbs series preaching on the tongue.
Building Our Lives on the Wisdom of God
Pastor Rocky continues our Proverbs series preaching on Proverbs 9.
The Persuasive Power of Sin
Pastor Rocky continues our Proverbs sermon series preaching on Proverbs 7.
The Glory of Marital Love
Pastor Rocky continues our Proverbs series by preaching on Proverbs 5.