The Word of God faithfully preached to the Church is one of the most essential aspects of Christian discipleship. Through preaching every saint is equipped and trained for ministry as disciple-making disciples.
This is one reason preaching is the central element of our Lord’s Day worship.
One of the best ways to know what we believe is by listening to what is regularly preached.
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Three Responses of Faith
This Sunday, we take a break from our Genesis series as Mike Komatsu preaches from Matthew 2.1-12. We need to remember that only true faith leads us to Jesus. In this text we really find three types of faith: 1) The unstoppable faith of the wise men, 2) The indifferent faith of God’s people, and 3) the rejection of faith by King Herod. This text makes it clear that true faith always results in humble service and God-glorifying service.
The Final Advent Pt. 3
Pastor Josh concludes our Advent series by preaching from 1 Thessalonians 5.12-14. In this text Paul continues to encourage the church to live in anticipation of Christ’s return. The certainty of Christ’s return should shape how we live today. In this text, we’re specifically called to three duties: 1) to respect and honor our leaders, 2) to live in peace with one another, and 3) to actively care for those struggling in the faith.
The Final Advent Pt. 2
This Sunday we look at 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11 as we continue our Advent series. This December we’re specifically thinking about the final or last advent. Just as the OT saints looked forward in anticipation of Christ’s first coming, the church should be looking forward to Christ second coming, and advent is a reminder that Jesus will come back for his church. In our text we find two ways that the church can prepare for the final advent: 1) we need to continue growing in spiritual discernment and 2) we need to continue growing in spiritual sobriety.
The Final Advent Pt. 1
For the rest of December we’ll take a break to focus on Advent, specifically the second advent of Christ. Here in 1 Thessalonians 4.15-18, we consider three important aspects of the final advent: 1) the return of the king, 2) the resurrection of the dead, and 3) the reward of the saints. It’s the kuleana of every Christian to help others live in anticipation of this final advent.
The Gospel of Great Joy
In Luke 2.8-20, we see that the good news of Jesus’ arrival is a gospel of great joy. it’s meant to lead us to rejoicing that overflows into every area of our lives, including in our relationships with unbelievers. In this sermon there are two main ideas that we highlight: 1) Good News (8-12) and 2) Great Joy (13-20).
The Birth of the Promised One
In Luke 2.1-7, Mike Komatsu helps us to see how the Sovereignty of the Father and the Humility of the Son are put on display through the birth of Christ Jesus.
Exulting in the Faithfulness of God
Everybody knows what exultation looks and feels like because we all exult (celebrate and rejoice) in different things. You were created to exult, but not just in good things, you were created to exult or in the best things. You were made to exult in God. And one of the primary ways we do that is by exulting in God and his faithfulness to his word. In Luke 1.39-80 we find three examples of exultation: 1) Elizabeth and her baby, 2) Mary, and 3) Zachariah. They all exult in God’s faithfulness and the church should follow their example.
The Throne of David and the Womb of Mary
In Luke 1.26-38, we find a shocking and glorious announcement. The king that has been promised (like we saw last week in Isaiah 11) has finally arrived. As the son of David he will establish the throne of David, but as the son of the Virgin Mary, he will be so much greater than David. He will be the Son of God, which is evidenced by his miraculous conception by the Spirit in the womb of Mary.
God’s Promised King and his Kingdom
In Isaiah 11, God promises a future King and a future Kingdom that will be unlike anythign we’ve ever experienced before. As Christians we know that this promised king is Jesus and his kingdom is now here and at the same time is not yet fully here. And we must live and long for Christ’s kingdom.
If we’re going to do that we need to continue growing in our understanding of Christ as King. In this text we find 5 characteristics of the promised king. He will be: 1) Restored King, 2) Anointed King, 3) Righteous King, 4) Edenic King, and 5) Universal King.