The Word of God faithfully preached to the Church is one of the most essential aspects of Christian discipleship. Through preaching every saint is equipped and trained for ministry as disciple-making disciples.
This is one reason preaching is the central element of our Lord’s Day worship.
One of the best ways to know what we believe is by listening to what is regularly preached.
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Wisely Appointing and Restoring Pastors
In 1 Timothy 5.21-25, we continue to consider how the church is called to honor the role and work of Pastors. Last week we saw that we do this by: 1) providing for them, 2) protecting them, and 3) rebuking them. In this sermon we consider one last way to honor the pastor, which is by wisely affirming them. We also consider one big motivation for all this, which is that all of this is done before the witness of heaven.
Qualifications for Pastors Pt. 2
Everyone knows that qualifications matter. If you’re flying, you want qualified pilots, if you’re getting surgery, you want qualified surgeons, if you’re getting your house rewired, you want qualified electricians. It’s no different in the church, the church must have qualified pastors. In this sermon we continue considering the qualifications for pastors in 1 Timothy 3.1-7. Overall, the pastor must be above reproach. But then Paul fleshes that out with 13 qualities that must characterize every pastor.
Qualifications for Pastors Pt. 1
Qualifications matter. They matter in the world and in the church it's no different. In 1 Timothy 3.1-2, the church is called to value and uphold the pastorate and the qualifications of those who fill it.
In these verses we consider two realities: 1) The Office and 2) The Man. In light of these realities we should respond by: 1) Striving for these qualities, 2) Praying for qualified men, and 3) praying for our pastors.
The Elder Qualifications
E kala mai, majority of the sermon was recorded but we had repeated issues with the sound and recording. In this sermon, Mike Komatsu helps us consider four aspects of the qualifications of elders: 1) his reputation, 2) his home, 3) his character, and 4) his doctrine.