
The Word of God faithfully preached to the Church is one of the most essential aspects of Christian discipleship. Through preaching every saint is equipped and trained for ministry as disciple-making disciples.

This is one reason preaching is the central element of our Lord’s Day worship.

One of the best ways to know what we believe is by listening to what is regularly preached.

We’d love for you to join us but if you’re unable, check out our sermon archive to hear the latest sermon.

Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

Circumcision, Regeneration, & Credobaptism

This Sunday we jump back into Genesis 17 to consider seven crucial implications concerning the relationship between circumcision with regeneration and baptism in the New Covenant. 1) Circumcision Anticipated Regeneration, 2) the New Covenant consists of only the regenerate, 3) New Covenant members are identified by baptism, 4) Baptism is only for those with credible professions, 5) if you profess, be baptized, 6) If you’re baptized, join a local church, and 7) if you’re baptized, share in the covenant meal.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

The Covenant Sign of Circumcision

In Genesis 17, as a formal way to mark off God’s covenant people from the world, God gives Abraham the covenant sign of circumcision. Circumcision positively symbolizes the removal of sin and consecration to God and negatively a threat of judgement and disinheritance. In the New Covenant God also has marked off the church from the world as his new covenant people. It is our responsiblity to help one another be who God has called us to be. In this sermon we walk through this narrative in four parts: 1) God’s covenant-promises (1-8), 2) God’s covenant-stipulation (9-14), 3) God’s covenant-son (15-21), 4) Abraham’s covenant-obedience (23-27).

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

Hijacking the Promises of God

It is possible to want something good so badly that you are willing to sin against God and others to get it or keep it. This is exactly what we find Sarah and Abraham in Genesis 16. God made wonderful promises to Abraham and Sarah and yet they hijack God’s promises by attempting to secure them through a sinful arrangement with Hagar. The main idea here is that no matter how much of a mess we make in our sin, God remains merciful. This story can be broken up into two parts: 1) the mess of sin and 2) the mercy of God.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

The Abrahamic Covenant

Today we jumped back into our Genesis series. In Genesis 15, God formalizes his covenant through a covenant ceremony, specifically through covenant sanctions. God’s covenant with Abraham doesn’t come together all at once but rather over the course of several chapters. Genesis 12: the initiation of the covenant through promises, Genesis 15: the formalization of the covenant through ceremony, Genesis 17: the signification of the covenant through circumcision. Genesis 15 can be broken down into two major guarantees: 1) God guarantees the promised seed (1-6) and 2) God guarantees the promised land (7-21).

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

The Separation of Abraham from Lot

As we continue our Genesis series, we come to Genesis 13. In this text we find the exemplary faith of Abraham. Abraham’s faith is in no way perfect, it’s weak and unimpressive, but it’s real and grounded in the promises of God. Abraham’s faith is worth imitating. In this text we find that Abraham’s faith is expressed in three ways: 1) repentance, 2) selflessness, and 3) worship. And Abraham’s faith is also contrasted with Lot’s compromise.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

The Covenantal Love of God for Abraham

As we begin the new year, we return to our Genesis series. There is no more important resolve to make in 2025 than to commit to growing more and more in the love of God. In Genesis 12 we find the covenantal-love of God demonstrated towards Abraham in three specific ways: 1) the Call of Abraham, 2) the Faith of Abraham, and 3) the Folly Abraham.

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1 Thessalonians Waiehu Community Church 1 Thessalonians Waiehu Community Church

The Final Advent Pt. 2

This Sunday we look at 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11 as we continue our Advent series. This December we’re specifically thinking about the final or last advent. Just as the OT saints looked forward in anticipation of Christ’s first coming, the church should be looking forward to Christ second coming, and advent is a reminder that Jesus will come back for his church. In our text we find two ways that the church can prepare for the final advent: 1) we need to continue growing in spiritual discernment and 2) we need to continue growing in spiritual sobriety.

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1 Thessalonians Waiehu Community Church 1 Thessalonians Waiehu Community Church

The Final Advent Pt. 1

For the rest of December we’ll take a break to focus on Advent, specifically the second advent of Christ. Here in 1 Thessalonians 4.15-18, we consider three important aspects of the final advent: 1) the return of the king, 2) the resurrection of the dead, and 3) the reward of the saints. It’s the kuleana of every Christian to help others live in anticipation of this final advent.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

Advent from Shem to Abraham

In Genesis 11.10-32 we consider the mo’oku’auhau (genealogy) of Shem. Here we find three reasons we should celebrate this advent season with renewed hope, gratitude, and joy: 1) the Line of Promise (10-26), 2) the Idolatry of Abraham (27-29), and 3) the Barrenness of Sarah (30-32).

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

Lord of the Nations

E KALA MAI: we continue to have recording issues and last week’s sermon on Genesis 9 was not recorded. Today we covered Genesis 10-11.9. Throughout history there have always been powerful and influential kingdoms and empires but just as nations rise, nations will also fall. The one constant eternal unchanging supreme ruler is God. God is Lord over the nations. There are two main ideas that help us to see this in our text: 1) The Table of Nations (Genesis 10) and 2) The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11.1-19).

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

Salvation through the Waters of Judgment Pt.2

E kala mai our sermon (Pt.1) from last week on Genesis 6.9 - Genesis 8 wasn’t recorded. Last week, we looked at 8 scenes that made up the flood narrative. Today we went back to Genesis 6-8 to consider how the flood points us forward to greater things to come. Through Genesis 6-8 we learn that the flood helps us to anticipate: 1) a New Covenant, 2) a New Creation, 3) A New Adam, 4) A New Humanity, and 5) a New Baptism.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

Great Wickedness on the Earth

E kala mai, last week’s sermon on Genesis 5 was not recorded. Today in Genesis 6.1-8, we see that great wickedness was spreading across the earth. And in the midst of this great wickedness, we find the grace of God coming to sinners. Anytime we see mercy in judgment, we should be floored and astounded. There are two big themes we find here: 1) the corruption of the earth (1-5) and 2) the response of God (6-8).

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1 Peter Waiehu Community Church 1 Peter Waiehu Community Church

The Kuleana of Pastors and their Churches

We take a break from our Genesis series to meditate on 1 Peter 5.1-11. Here we see how pastors and church members should be relating to one another. Pastors must shepherd faithfully and church members must receive shepherding faithfully. In verses 1-4 we find five encouragements for faithful pastors. Then in verses 5-11, we find two encouragements for faithful members.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

The Desire and Dominion of Sin and the Triumph of Christ

E kala mai, last week’s sermon on Genesis 3.14-24 was not recorded. This week, in Genesis 4, we find three reasons why we need to be killing sin. The first reason is because sin’s desire is for you, the second reason is because sin will take dominion over your life, and the third reason you need to kill sin is because Christ (as the promised offspring of the woman) has already triumphed over sin through his death and resurrection.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

The Temptation & Fall of Adam

In Genesis 3.1-13, the time of testing had come for Adam. Should he succeed in obeying the covenant by refraining from eating from the forbidden tree, Adam and all his prosperity would enjoy the blessings of life with God forever. But should he fail and break the covenant by eating from the forbidden tree, Adam and his descendants would be shut out from the life of God and experience the curse of death. There are two main scenes that play out in this narrative: 1) the temptation of Adam (1-6) and 2) the fall of Adam (7-13).

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Romans Waiehu Community Church Romans Waiehu Community Church

Inescapable-Suffering, Incomparable-Hope, Inseparable-Love

In Romans 8.18-39 we find some of the most profound and glorious truths in all of Christian doctrine. These truths help us navigate all the complexities of the Christian life because the Christian life is full of rejoicing and suffering. And when we go through the stormy trials of life, the church is called by God to be a source of comfort. We are to comfort one another in our sorrows and affliction with the truth of the gospel. In this text we find three important realities that will help us as we comfort each other: 1) the reality of inescapable suffering, 2) the reality of incomparable hope, and 3) the reality of inseparable love.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

The Creation of Marriage

In Genesis 2.18-25, we find the creation of the first marriage. Marriage is the union of one man and one woman in a lifetime covenant. In the garden we find the goodness, beauty, and truthfulness of God’s design for marriage. And Marriage must be upheld in honor by all people, but especially, the church. There are three foundational truths that we consider to help us with that: 1) The Necessity of Marriage, 2) The Celebration of Marriage, and 3) The Union of Marriage.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

The Garden of Eden

In Genesis 2.4-17, we find the extravagant generosity of God toward Adam in his original state prior to the fall. There are three really important ideas that we unpack in this text: 1) Eden’s garden-sanctuary, 2) Eden’s prophet, priest, and king, and 3) Eden’s promises and threats.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

The Sabbath Rest of God

In Genesis 2.1-3, God rests from his work of creation and by doing so, he sets an example and pattern for all people to follow. Here we learn that we must sanctify the sabbath, devoting a special day in our weeks for worship and to rest. If we’re going to do that, there are four important themes we need to understand concerning God’s rest: 1) The completion of the cosmic temple, 2) the coronation of the cosmic king, 3) the consecration of the sabbath day, and 4) the consummation of the sabbath rest.

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Genesis Waiehu Community Church Genesis Waiehu Community Church

Created in God’s Image Pt. 2

We continue to meditate on Genesis 1.26-28. Last Sunday we considered what it meant to bear God’s image. Today we considered seven societal implications of being made in God’s image: 1) Man is creaturely, 2) Human-life is sacred, 3) Gender is a gift, 4) Family is foundational, 5) Sin is dehumanizing, 6) Sin is cosmic treason, and 7) the Church is essential.

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